
Why read my blog?

4:50 PM Kelly 0 Comments

Why should someone turn to my blog for motivation, recipies and support?

  1. I am not a personal trainer.
  2. I am not a nutritionist.
  3. I am your average 20-something woman.

Reasons 1 & 2 may not seem entirely convincing but those are the two reasons why you should care what I have to say. I've never been small (despite my short stature) and have had a lifelong battle with weight. I do not have 3 hours a day to dedicate to exercise. I do not know everything there is to know about food. I am going to reach my goals and if I can, so can you.

I am just like almost everyone else reading this blog. I cannot afford a personal trainer or nutritionist. I have to squeeze in workouts in the midst of my full-time job and part-time job. I am a newlywed attempting to cook healthy meals that my beer drinking, Dorito eating at midnight husband enjoys.

I subscribed to 4 healthy magazine (Health, Women's Health, Cooking Light and Fitness) to constantly reinforce the new lifestyle I am creating. This time, the weight loss is permanent. I need to not let one bad day turn into 5 bad days and weight gain.

I have lost 22 pounds since a little before Christmas. I am doing it the good old-fashioned way; eating well and exercise. I am doing Weight Watchers and I work out at least 3 days a week. I am trying new exercises, new recipies and I want to share what works with me, with all of you.

So stay tuned!!!

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